


以下信息提供了使用学区提供的交通工具的学生的交通信息. 家长应与学生一起检讨这些资料,以便他们了解家长/监护人的责任。, 司机的责任, 乘坐公共汽车的规则, 以及公车事故和学生进度报告.

  1. 学生上车
    • 在IEP中需要特殊交通服务的学生将根据IEP中指定的内容(路边到路边)被接走, 最近的角落, 等). 这通常是路边对路边. In a situation where it is not possible to access the address (dead-end street, 在单行道的另一边, 难以接近的区域), 将使用最接近的替代方案. Yellow bus drivers will not be placed in a situation that requires the bus to back up.
      • 因休假或生病而缺席的应向2024欧洲杯竞猜部门报告,以避免服务中断. Service will be temporarily discontinued if a student fails to show for three (3) days in a row. Service can be reinstated by contacting the transportation department.
    • 接受通识教育服务的学生通常会在一个为该地区多名学生提供服务的社区车站的十字路口被接走. Stops can be up to a mile from the student’s service area, but are usually much less.
    • The parent/guardian is responsible for helping their child to and from the bus/bus stop.
    • Students should be ready five (5) minutes before their scheduled pick-up time and watching for the bus. The driver is not able to return to pick up students who were not ready.
  2. 学生下降
    • 学前班和幼儿园的学生需要专门的交通工具,需要有一个负责人在他们的巴士站接他们
    • 1-12年级乘坐专用交通工具的学生必须有专人在公交车站接送 除非 它们返回a 责任解除表, allowing for them to get off the bus without someone to meet them.
    • 通识教育服务的学生不需要接待,可以在没有人接待的情况下下车.
  3. 服务变更
    • Home address changes must go through Admissions before new transportation arrangements are made.
    • Changes to childcare or alternative address can be provided to the 2024欧洲杯竞猜 Office. You must provide the name, address, and contact information for the non home address.
    • Drivers are not allowed to change a student’s transportation. 如有更改,请与交通部联系.
    • 有资格乘坐特殊交通工具的学生的信息来自特殊教育部门. The 2024欧洲杯竞猜 Office does not determine service level.
  4. 更改路线和/或时间
    • 随着新学生的加入或现有学生拒绝服务或退学,路线可能会发生变化. If there are changes to which route your student is assigned to, 通知通常会通过邮件发送. 请及时更新您的邮寄地址.
  5. 疾病
    • Students who are ill should stay home so that they do not make others sick.
    • 如果孩子在上学期间生病了, 学校会给家长打电话的, 谁来负责接学生.
  6. 损害赔偿
    • 学生的家长/监护人损坏了校车或他们乘坐的替代车辆,将负责赔偿损失.
  7. Student Identification/Contacting the 2024欧洲杯竞猜 Office
    • 在与交通办公室沟通时,您将需要以下信息来加快请求/查询. 请把这个资料放在手边
      • 学生的SPS识别码
      • 学生的学校
      • 学生巴士路线(如果他们有作业的话).)
  8. 安全限制
    • 儿童必须使用适当的安全约束.
    • Law requires that children below a certain height or weight be seated in booster seats.
    • If a student requires a safety vest to ride safely, they need to have it on to be allowed to ride.
  9. 校车用药
    • If a student needs to take prescription medication while at school, the student may carry the medication on the bus under the following conditions:
      • 药物在原来的容器里
      • 这个学生能自己带药
      • 药物没有固定或固定在学生身上
      • The medication is kept in the student’s possession at all times.
    • 如果条件不能满足, then the parent/guardian should bring the medication to the school directly.

The driver is in charge of the bus and the passengers, and must be obeyed.  如果车上有监视器, 他们将对学生的行为负责,而司机则对公交车的安全运行负责.  学生必须服从司机和班长.

  • 除非收到学校的书面许可,否则学生只能乘坐指定的公共汽车.
  • 除非学校有书面许可, no student will be permitted to leave the bus except at his/her regular stop.
  • 如果学生被分配到一个座位, he/she will sit in that seat 除非 the driver gives him/her permission to change.
  • 必须降低噪音,以免使司机分心.
  • There will be no lighters or matches on buses, and smoking is not allowed.
  • Buses must be kept clean; eating is not allowed (除非 there is a medical exception).
  • Students will not open bus windows without the driver’s permission
  • Students will not stick any part of their body out of bus windows at any time.
  • Students may not have anything on the bus that can hurt the other passengers. Such items include, but are not limited to, sticks, breakable containers, weapons or firearms.
  • Animals are not permitted on buses, except service animals.
  • Students are may not sit in the driver’s seat or to the immediate left or right of the driver.
  • 除非必要,学生不应该和司机说话.
  • 一旦上车, students must go directly to a seat and remain seated at all times, 除非司机另有指示.
  • 学生必须有序上下车,服从学校安全巡逻队的指挥, 如果值勤. There will be no pushing or shoving when getting on or off the bus. Once off the bus, students must follow the rules for pedestrians.
  • 学生绝对不能跟在黄色校车后面过马路,除非他们使用人行横道或交通灯.
  • Students must stand away from the roadway curb when any bus is approaching or leaving a stop.
  • 如果没有人行道, 出入公交车站的学生必须走马路的左手边,面对迎面而来的车辆.
  • If lap belts are available on the bus, students must use them.
  • Emergency Exit Drill procedures will be followed as ordered by the driver.
  • Parents of students who damage the buses will have to pay for the damage. Students causing the damage may be suspended from transportation. Student misconduct is sufficient reason for suspending transportation privileges.
  • 符合WAC 392-145-040, 每个学期的两周内,所有乘坐校车的学生将进行紧急疏散演习, 除规定允许的情况外. Students excused from the drill will be orally instructed three (3) times a year (by September 15, 1月15日及3月15日). 演习将在校车装车区举行.
    • 将在11月的第一周和4月的第一周对学生进行紧急撤离程序的口头审查.
  • Drivers will make sure that all students are seated and safety belts fastened prior to moving the bus.
  • 司机将对学生的不当行为做出书面报告, 并将报告家长的不合作, 事故或任何其他问题,尽快向调度员和校长/行政人员或启航工作人员汇报.
  • Drivers will not leave their buses while students are on board except in extreme emergencies.
  • 司机只会让学生在常规站点下车,除非调度员或区交通局通知他们这样做.
  • Drivers will not leave corner bus stops before the scheduled pick-up time.
  • Drivers will not wait at a door-to-door stop for more than one (1) minute.
  • Drivers will not allow students to eat or drink on the bus, 除非有医疗状况或IEP批准.
  • Drivers will not allow animals on the bus, except for service animals.
  • 除非有放行信,否则司机将确保有负责人在现场用专门的交通工具接待学生, signed by the parent/guardian is on file in the 2024欧洲杯竞猜 Office.
  • 司机不允许任何学生坐在司机的座位上,也不允许学生坐在司机的左边或右边.
  • Drivers/Monitors will not transport medication to and from school.

确保行车安全, 所有使用交通工具的学生必须遵守《2024欧洲杯正规买球》。. Failure to adhere to these rules or other abusive-type behavior, 哪些会影响公交车的安全运行, will result in a 巴士事故及学生进度报告.

  1. 出具报告:如果学生在公共汽车上行为不端, 司机将填写一份巴士事故和学生进展报告,描述发生的事故或损坏. 司机或班长将保留一份报告副本,并将剩余副本交给学校校长/行政人员或启航工作人员.
  2. Action on Report: The principal/administrator or Head Start staff, 收到报告后, will investigate the incident and take appropriate action. 所有纪律处分将按照地区权利与责任声明中规定的程序进行.
    • 警告:如果学生的不当行为是轻微的,并且不会危及其他学生的安全或福利或校车的运行,则考虑采取此行动.
    • 停学:当学生的不当行为会影响到乘客的安全和公共汽车的运行时,会考虑采取停学措施, when repeated warning notices fail to correct abusive behavior, 或者当一个学生损坏了公共汽车. Depending on the degree of misconduct, the suspension may be for one or more days.
    • 开除:这一行动可能是必要的,取决于不当行为的程度或重复违规的次数. 当学生故意严重威胁校车运行和/或乘客的安全时,学生可能会被开除.e. 学生殴打巴士司机或主管).
  3. 报告的处理:校长/管理人员或启智班工作人员采取的行动将写在“巴士事件和学生进展报告”上,并发送给学生的家长/监护人签名. The transportation office and driver will also be notified.

注:暂停或开除学生乘坐校车的特权并不意味着暂停或开除学生,而是把接送学生上下学的责任放在家长/监护人身上. (RCW 28 - 27 - 010)