



负责人博士. Jones asking students about their work, students showing their work on a laptop

2024欧洲杯竞猜 (SPS) is committed to enhancing the educational landscape through the responsible use of 人工智能(AI) aligning with our vision of Seattle excellence.

Our approach to AI is designed to support students and staff by providing training and AI tools which offer diverse opportunities for assistance, 头脑风暴, 和参与, while automating routine tasks to allow educators to focus on impactful instruction and relationship building.

SPS坚持严格的数据保护程序,并且是 以原则为指导 优先考虑学生的学习, 降低风险, 培养一个包容的, 创新的学习环境.


The AI tools selected for SPS use are meant to enhance the educational experience for all students while prioritizing student well-being, 隐私, 和安全.




The work SPS has done understanding AI centers on our commitment to enhance the educational experience for all students while prioritizing student well-being, 隐私, 和安全.

我们遵循 OSPI的指导 that “uses of AI should always start with human inquiry and always end with human reflection, 人类的洞察力, 人类的力量.”

以学生学习为中心, AI applications used in instruction can offer diverse opportunities for students to seek assistance, 头脑风暴法, 积极参与他们的教育旅程. 类似于其他技术资源, AI can serve as valuable supports for students to demonstrate their understanding across various subjects. 

AI presents powerful resources for staff to automate routine and repetitive tasks, enabling educators to dedicate more time to impactful instruction and building meaningful relationships with students. 这与美国经济研究所提供的见解一致.S. 教育部的报告 人工智能与教学的未来, emphasizing examples such “handling low-level details to ease teaching burdens and increase focus on students.” 


当我们接受人工智能的潜在好处时, we also recognize the importance of acknowledging their limitations and risks. It is crucial for students and staff to exercise critical thinking skills when evaluating work produced by these tools, 因为所提供的信息可能有偏见, 不准确的, 或不完整.

随着人工智能在教育领域的不断发展, SPS remains dedicated to developing resources that guide the ethical and effective use of these applications, all within the framework of safeguarding the 隐私 和安全 of our students through adherence to stringent data protection processes.  

We are committed to leveraging AI tools responsibly to provide the best possible 学习 experiences in SPS for our students. Together, we will continue to foster an inclusive and innovative 21st century 学习 environment.   



Decisions to use AI tools will be based on whether they significantly benefit student 学习 and if any risks can be adequately mitigated. AI tools can be used to aid 学习, provide additional resources, and support research. 然而, they should not be used when a 学习 opportunity calls for critical thinking, 原创创意, 深入的理解, 或评价.

Staff will be explicit in syllabi and assignments about the integration of AI tools into student activities. Learning opportunities should clearly specify which AI tools are allowed (if any) and the purpose for which they should be used. Educators should also be transparent about the role of AI tools in their instruction and/or work and model this for students. 

AI tools should not be used to create products to be submitted as a student or educator’s original work unless explicitly allowed for that purpose. Use of AI tools can be seen as analogous to getting assistance from another person or source. Any substantial help from AI tools in completing assignments or exams must be acknowledged and clearly communicated or 引用格式正确.

人工智能工具的使用不应造成伤害. Students, educators, and families should be educated on the ethical implications of AI use (e.g., 对资料私隐的关注, 知识产权和版权, 安全, 人工智能偏差, 以及过度依赖人工智能的潜在后果). Students and staff should recognize and demonstrate an understanding of the rights, 生活的责任和机会, 学习, and working in an interconnected digital world and use AI in ways that are safe, 法律, 和伦理.

Attention will be given to protecting personal data and ensuring users are aware of risks associated with AI tool usage. All use of AI tools must adhere to 隐私 policies to protect student data. Any AI tool in use must comply with local and national data 隐私 laws and regulations.

Efforts will be made to assess and address any risks of biased information produced by AI tools. Educators should identify how AI can show bias and lack representation. They must review AI use through an actively anti-racist educator lens and discuss these implications with students to identify paths for students to reflect on and address these issues. 

AI tools required in courses should be available and accessible to all users, to prevent disparities in 学习 opportunities and future career-connected 学习 pathways. Accommodations should be made to ensure equitable access to approved AI tools that support teaching and 学习. 

Educators and students should always check the information provided by an AI tool for bias and accuracy (invented, 失踪, 或不正确的信息). Regardless of AI use, human authors will remain accountable for all content produced.