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Organizations Supporting Youth, Individuals, and Families

Below is a list of organizations dedicated to supporting 青年, 个人, and 家庭 within the Asian American communities. The list covers a wide variety of support including 心理健康, 家庭暴力, 难民的支持, 文化交流机会, 青年项目, 多元文化医疗服务. Below you will find both broad-scope organizations supporting many identities to focused-community care supports working with Cham, 缅甸难民, 菲律宾, 苗族, 印度, 高棉语, 朝鲜文, 蒙古, 和越南人口. 注意:这不是一个包罗万象的列表.


API兴高采烈: is a Seattle-based 集团 that seeks to end violence in API communities. 它包括一个酷儿网络项目, which works to engage the API LGBTQ community to address and prevent intimate p艺术ner violence. 1-877-922-4292/206-325-0325 (Helpline 8-4 M-F)

危机的连接(24/7): Crisis call line that provides immediate help to 个人, 家庭, and friends of people in emotional crisis. Crisis Line is available in over 100 languages and has support lines for texting, 闲谈,聊天, 和青少年链接. 206-461-3222

危机短信热线(24/7): Crisis text line available 24/7 for any painful emotion or time you need support. 提供超过100种语言版本. 文本HOME到741-741


亚洲谘询及转介服务: Seattle-based organization that offers a broad array of 行为健康 programs, 人类服务, 恢复服务, 就业, 青年 leadership and 公民参与 activities for Asian Americans, 太平洋岛民, and other communities in King County and beyond. 206-695-7600

亚洲心理健康协会:拥有广泛的资源, APISAA治疗师名录, and includes listening sessions and additional resources through the subtle Asian 心理健康 脸谱网 集团.

中文信息 & 服务中心: Helps immigrants throughout King County achieve success in their new community by providing information, 推荐, 宣传, 社会, 支持服务. 公民参与, 幼儿教育, 青年发展, 家庭支持, 长者及残疾成人服务, 医疗保健服务. 206-624-5633

国际社区卫生服务: Provides affordable health care medical 服务, 全面牙科护理, 行为健康, 药物辅助治疗, 中医, 营养咨询, 女性, 婴儿 & Children (WIC) support, school 服务, health education, pharmacy, eye care, and healthy aging & 健康. Deeply rooted in the Asian and Pacific Islander Community. 206-788-3700

多元亚洲咨询服务: Provides a wide range of serves at their Asian Counseling Center in Tacoma. 包括个人, 集团, 以及家庭心理健康支持, assistance to applying for public programs, 帮助获取社区资源, and free counseling for victims of 家庭暴力 and other crimes. Offers 服务 in three Asian languages: Cambodian, Vietnamese, and 朝鲜文. 253-697-8120


占族难民社区: Serves ethnic Cham populations and newly arrived refugees from East Africa, 伊拉克和缅甸(罗兴亚人). 通过其案件管理服务, 占族难民社区 assists low-income, limited English speaking clients to meet all 社会 service needs, including: System navigation; 推荐 服务; 家庭支持 服务 including 青年项目 and senior 服务; and cultural 服务 such as language classes 和社区 events. 206-829-8300

Coalition for Refugees from Burma: Coalition for Refugees from Burma (CRB) promotes the self-sufficiency of all resettled refugees by helping them access 服务 and educational opportunities, 在保留传统习俗的同时. Provides early learning, 青年项目, and 家庭支持 programs. 206-860-5939

西雅图菲律宾人社区: Serves 菲律宾 and other communities in the surrounding Seattle area. 有高级服务, 社区食物银行, 青年服务, 反贩卖人口, 反对基于性别的暴力宣传, 社会, 艺术, 还有文化项目, 及菲律宾社区村. 206-722-9872

华盛顿苗族协会: Serves the 苗族 American community in 华盛顿. 有青少年项目, 粮食援助, 教育推广, and support to advocate for the 苗族 people. 206-651-5480

印度裔美国人社区服务: IACS serves the 印度 American community through programs, 服务, and 宣传 for people of all ages and life stages. 有老年人项目, 儿童早期, 女性, 青年, 公民参与, 心理健康, 危机保健, 举办社区中心. 253-234-9989

Kandelia (Formerly Vietnamese Friends Association): Kandelia provides direct programs, 与社区资源的联系, and tools to address systemic inequities so immigrant and refugee 家庭 and communities can thrive without having to compromise values, 遗产或种族. Offers 青年项目, family programs, 和社区 engagement. 与西雅图世界学校密切合作. 206-760-1573

高棉语 Community of SKC Youth Engagement Program: Empowers 高棉语 community by bridging the intergenerational gap between elders and 青年, through cultural preservation and promoting well-being. All KSCSKC programs are free to p艺术icipants of all levels and experiences. 206-637-5200

韩国社区服务中心: The 韩国社区服务中心 (formerly called Korea Community Counseling Center). WeKAN seeks to create strong peer and intergenerational relationships by building communication skills, awareness and imagination among middle school students and their caregivers. 朝鲜文 middle and high school 青年 may p艺术icipate in monthly 艺术 playshops, 两周一次的指导会议, or one-on-one tutoring and mentorship with community members. 425-776-2400

朝鲜文 女性’s Association of WA Behavioral Health: Provides multicultural, multilingual 人类服务. 帮助导航社会服务, 提供基本需求, 入籍, 健康导航, 家庭暴力援助, 行为健康支持. 253-946-1995

难民妇女联盟: Serves thousands of refugees and immigrants each year through bilingual and bicultural programs. Offers 1st-12th grade after-school programing, 学术支持, 培训, 家长工作坊及家访, 中学后成功计划(PSSP), 行为健康, 家庭暴力, 早教中心, 法律服务, 和更多的. 206-721-0243

西雅图蒙古青年中心: SMYC offers a variety of educational programs and p艺术nerships that include language, 艺术, 文化, 音乐教学, 以社区为基础的领导, 医疗保健, 以及社区建设工作坊. 425-286-5758

翼卢克 Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience:中学, 高中, and Summer camp 艺术 programs incorporating 文化, 遗产, 和社区.

青年康复计划: 青年康复计划 is a 青年-led community funding effort of the Road Map Project that provides resources and support to grassroots organizations and young leaders advancing 青年-led solutions that improve the 心理健康, connection and wellbeing of young people ages 16-24 in South King County, 华盛顿. 206-409-6775